Category: Nanomaterials
Symposium CC
Novel Solution Processing of Advanced Functional Nanomaterials for Energy, Environmental and Biomedical Applications
Please refer to the topics listed below.
- Solution processing – general, conventional methods and novel methods.
- CBD, soft solution processing, high temperature solution methods, spray pyrolysis, solution plasma processing.
- Hydrothermal synthesis, hydrothermal processing, soft/mild hydrothermal processing, solvothermal reactions, solvothermal synthesis, carbonothermal synthesis, ammonothermal synthesis, glycothermal synthesis, chemistry of hydrothermal media, hydrothermal epitaxy, HIP, nature inspired hydrothermal processes.
- Supercritical fluid technology (SCF) for materials processing, SCF technology for materials recycling, green chemical processing, nanohybrid and composite materials.
- Mechanochemical, sonochemical, microwave, electrochemical processing of materials. Multi-energy processing routes – hydrothermal-mechanochemical, hydrothermal-electrochemical, hydrothermal-biological, hydrothermal-sol gel, hydrothermal-solution plasma.
- Biomimetic processes, nature inspired processing techniques, bio-inspired.
- Solution processing of thin films, fine ceramics, direct write technology, wet chemical processing (co-precipitation, hydrolysis, intercalation/deintercalation, ion exchange).
- Sol-gel technology.
- Nanomaterials (including nanotubes) processing using hydrothermal and solvothermal techniques.
- Inorganic nanostructures fabrication, nanostructures and hybrid composites for various applications including gas sensors and biomedical applications, nanoceramics processing.
- Novel methods of materials processing for bioimaging and biophotonics applications.
- Self-assembly, templating.
- Engineered materials and devices for environment and energy applications.
- Hydrothermal and solvothermal carbon polymorphs.
- Carbon forms – metal / metal oxides / polymers composites.
- Novel solution processing routes for nanoscale films, nanoprobes and nanocarriers, nanoplatforms for biological imaging.
- Advanced drug delivery systems.
- Biofunctionalization of nanomaterials for various applications.
- Novel techniques of patterning and manufacturing of materials for next generation energy applications.
- Solution processing of nanomaterials for water purification and effluent treatment.
- Solution processing of negative index materials – from microwave to optical.
- Novel solution processing of biodegradable and biocompatible materials.
- Solution processing of nanoparticles from fabrication to clinical applications.
- Nanobiomolecular assembly.
- Toxicity studies of nanomaterials.
- Materials for carbon capturing.
- Materials for H2 generation and water splitting and environmental safety.
- Tadafumi ADSCHIRI, Tohoku University, Japan
- Shunsuke ASAHINA, JEOL Ltd, Tokyo , Japan
- K BYRAPPA, Adichunchanagiri University (ACU), India
- Tharamani C. NAGAIAH, Indian Institute of Technology, Ropar, India
- Jin-Ho CHOY, CINBM, Ewha Womans University, Korea, Korea
- Silke CHRISTIANSEN, Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie, Germany
- Guglielmo CONDORELLI, University of Catania, Italy
- Aymonier CYRIL, The Institute for Solid State Chemistry Bordeaux, France
- Yadav GANAPATI D, Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai, India
- Gregory Kia Liang GOH, Institute of Materials Research and Engineering, Singapore
- Motonobu GOTO, Nagoya University, Japan
- Martin HARTMANN, University of Erlangen, Germany
- Eva HEMMAR, Ottawa University, Canada
- Seong-Ju HWANG, Ewha Womans University, Korea
- R JAYAVEL, Anna University, India
- Qin LI, Griffith University, Australia
- Sanjay MATHUR, University of Koeln, Germany
- Habib PATHAN, Savitribai Phule Pune University, India
- Nicola PINNA, Humboldt-University, Berlin, Germany
- Kavitha RAMADASS, University of Newcastle, Australia
- Gopinathan SANKAR, University College London, Uk
- Lok Kumar SHRESTHA, WPI-MANA, National Institute for Materials Science, Japan
- Kohei SOGA, Tokyo University of Science, Japan
- S SRIKANTASWAMY , University of Mysore,, India
- Lin-Bing SUN, Nanjing Tech University, China
- Siddulu Naidu TALAPANENI, Univeersity of Newcastle, Australia
- Lionel VAYSSIERES, Xi’an Jiaotong University, China
- Sabino VEINTEMILLAS-VERDAGUER, Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid, Spain
- Ajayan VINU, University of Newcastle, Australia
- Gunnar WESTIN, Uppsala University, Sweden
- Jih-Jen WU, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
- Lan XIANG, Tsinghua University, China
- Masahiro YOSHIMURA, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Symposiumn CC will be publshing its proceedings with the “ADVANCED SCIENCE, ENGINEERING AND MEDICINE” journal. It is a peer reviewed journal and the instructions to the authors are available at:
Yanli ZHAO
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Adichunchanagiri University, India
Zheng LIU
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
University of Cologne, Germany
Ajayan VINU
University of New Castle, Australia
Prof Yanli Zhao
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore