Category: Electronic Materials
Symposium F
Magnetic and Spintronic Materials and Devices
Magnetism has been an active area of research for more than five decades, because of the emergence of several new research areas and their applications. From hard disk drives that have helped us to store huge amount of information to permanent magnets that have made small motors and speakers possible for human use, magnetic materials have played a significant role. With the emergence of Spintronics, a branch of magnetism, several more new applications are expected to rise. Several new materials are investigated and several new physical observations are made regularly, which make this field very exciting.
- Soft magnetic materials
- Hard magnetic materials
- Materials for magnetic recording
- Materials for spintronics
- Physics of magnonics
- Skyrmionics
- Topological insulators for magnetics applications
- Motors and other magnetics based devices
- Magnetics for energy applications
- Magnetism and superconductivity
- Magnetic Oxides, including ferrites
- Magnetics for biological applications
- Ahmad AWAD, University of Gothenberg, Sweden
- Bidhu Busan DAS, Pondicherry (Central) University, India
- Shuai DONG, Southeast University, China
- Victorino FRANCO, Universidad de Sevilla, Spain
- Ravi HADIMANI, Virginia Commonwealth University, USA
- Pin HO, Institute of Materials Research and Engineering, A*STAR, Singapore
- Mi Young IM, Lawrence Berkeley Lab, USA
- Young Keun KIM, Korea University, South Korea
- Anil KUMAR, IISC Bangalore, India
- Minn-Tsong LIN, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
- Xiaoxi LIU, Shinshu University, Japan
- Fusheng MA, Nanjing Normal University, China
- Ramanathan MAHENDIRAN, National University of Singapore, Singapore
- Joel S. MILLER, University of Utah, USA
- Ajaya Kumark NAYAK, National Institute of Science Education and Research , India
- Yoshichika OTANI, University of Tokyo, Japan
- Anil PRABHAKAR, IIT Madras, India
- Wilfrid PRELLIER, CRISMAT Laboratory, CNRS, France
- Raju V RAMANUJAN, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
- Dafine RAVELOSONA, Centre de Nanosciences, France
- Hari SRIKANTH, University of South Florida, USA
- K.G. SURESH, IIT Bombay, India
- Christiana VARNAVA, Nature Electronics Editor, UK
- Xiao WANG, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
- Kazutaka YAMANE, Global Foundries, Singapore
- See-Hun YANG, IBM Almaden Research Center, USA
- Xueying ZHANG, Beihang University, China
- Guoping ZHAO, Sichuan Normal University, China
Selected papers submitted to Symposium F will be published in IEEE Magnetics Letters.
>> more details
The summer school on Magnetic and Spintronics Materials will be held in conjunction with the “Symposium F: Magnetic and Spintronic Materials and Devices”. Magnetism has been an active area of research for more than five decades, because of a continuous emergence of several new research areas and their applications. From hard disk drives that have helped us to store huge amount of information to permanent magnets that have made small motors and speakers possible for human use, magnetic materials have played a significant role. With the emergence of Spintronics, several new applications are expected to rise. In this summer school, scientists well known in the relevant research areas are invited to conduct a three-day of lectures on varieties of topics. It provides an opportunity for the students to know various aspects of magnetic materials. MRS-Singapore provides full sponsorship for students’ accommodation (only applied to overseas students) and meals. In addition, attractive prizes will be given to selected students in the poster competition session. The following speakers and many more will present on a wide variety of topics:
List of Speakers (Confirmed):
- Prof. J.M.D. Coey, Trinity College, Ireland – Basics of Magnetism
- Prof. Victorino Franco, University of Seville, Spain – Materials for Magnetocalorics
- Prof Christopher Marrows, University of Leeds, UK – Spin Hall Effect
- Prof. S.N. Piramanayagam, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore – Materials for Information Storage
- Dr. Anjan Soumyanarayanan, Institute for Materials Research and Engineering, Singapore & National University of Singapore , Singapore – Skyrmions
- Prof. Hariharan Srikanth, University of South Florida, USA – Magnetic Nanostructured Materials
- Prof. K.G. Suresh, IIT Bombay, India – Heusler Alloys
- Dr. Naganivetha Thiyagarajah, GlobalFoundries, Singapore – Spin Transfer Torque Magnetic Random Access Memory
- Dr. See-Hun Yang, IBM, USA – Racetrack memory
- Prof. Hyunsoo Yang, National University of Singapore, Singapore – Spin Orbit Torque Materials
For details, please email:
Organizing Committee:
Prof. S.N. Piramanayagam (Chair)
Dr. Varun Chaudhary
Dr. Huang Lisen
Dr. Dickson Thian
Dr. Jason Yuanhong Luo
To apply, please click here:
Those who cannot access Google sites, please contact
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
National University of Singapore, Singapore
Institute of Materials Research & Engineering, A*STAR, Singapore &
National University of Singapore, Singapore
Victorino FRANCO
Sevilla University, Spain
Pallavi DHAGAT
Oregon State University, USA
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore